ACCAImportant reasons why you should choose to study ACCA Qualification13th April 2020ACCA is one of the top accounting qualifications in the world and is known to be important for a variety…
studytipsDistance learning study tips by Paurav Thakker31st March 2020If you’re wondering how to succeed by distance learning, you should begin by being mentally prepared. Sincerely dedicate time to…
UncategorizedHow to succeed in ACCA exam by Paurav Thakker (FCA, FCCA, CPA, CGA and OBU Mentor)17th March 2020Paurav Thakker is a chartered accountant in four continents. He is an Indian chartered accountant and a senior member of…
ACCAACCA Approved Learning Partner17th February 2020The Approved Learning Partner programme gives formal recognition to leading learning providers for the quality tuition and support that the…